Central Sector Scheme for Promotion of International Co-operation in AYUSH
The central sector scheme for the promotion of international co-operation in Ayush establishes to increase the scope of international exchange of Ayush-related information and co-operation with other countries for collaborative efforts in the development of the traditional systems of medicine. The demand for natural medicine is growing globally. The government of India has been receiving requests from several countries for the deputation of AYUSH experts to take up teaching and clinical work and for technical assistance in framing regulations & standards of practice and education. Invitations are frequently received for participation of Indian experts and entrepreneurs in international conferences, exhibitions, trade fairs, etc. This creates an opportunity for India to get a chance to play the role of leadership in extending assistance to various countries for the promotion of AYUSH. This scheme promotes international exchange not only to earn goodwill for the country, as well as help in the globalization of AYUSH.
Objectives of the schemes:
• To make the international promotion, development, and recognition of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy;
• To create awareness about AYUSH’s strengths & utility in emerging health problems;
• To encourage interaction of stakeholders and market development of AYUSH at the international level;
• To assist international exchange of experts and information for the cause of AYUSH systems.
• To construct policies for development of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy and their propagation within the country and popularize them in other countries as well.
Eligibility criteria
These are eligible under this wide-ranging scheme:
• Students,
• Entrepreneurs,
• MSMEs (Micro Small Medium Enterprises), etc.
• International exchange of experts & officers
• The incentive to drug manufacturers, entrepreneurs, AYUSH institutions, etc. for the international propagation of AYUSH by participating in international exhibitions, trade fairs, road shows, etc., and registration of AYUSH products (Market Authorization) at regulatory bodies of different countries such as USFDA/EMEA/UK-MHRA/ NHPD/ TGA etc. for exports.
• Support for international market development and AYUSH promotion-related activities.
• Translation and publication of AYUSH literature/books in foreign languages.
• Establishment of AYUSH Information Cells and strengthening of Health Centre/ Institution in foreign countries with AYUSH equipment, etc.
• International Fellowship/ scholarship Programme for foreign nationals for undertaking AYUSH courses in premier institutions in India.
Attach the following documents with the application:
• Concept Note
• Attested Copy of Registration
• Attested copy of Byelaws
• Attested copies of Audited Statements of Account for last 5 years
• Bank Account details
• A note of past activities and achievements of the organization
• Certificate of abiding (All the deputations/assignments secured directly or offered by the sponsors even though applied for through proper channel shall be considered ‘on leave due and admissible basis. The period of leave in such cases will ordinarily not exceed one year).
Procedure to apply
The selection process to apply in the IC Component will be as follows:
1. The scheme is announced on the AYUSH website and brochures on the scheme are widely distributed to all potential applicants.
2. A database of outside experts will be created based on recommendation of the State Governments and nomination of the Central Government by inviting applications through circulation to all AYUSH UG / PG Colleges and open advertisement.
3. Any applicant will be free to send a two-page concept note which gives information on (a) proposed objectives, (b) record of accomplishment of meritorious accomplishments, (c) profile of available staff and infrastructure, (d) information on national and international awards and (e) broad budget estimate for a four-year program.
4. Concept notes approved by the Selection Committee will be invited to submit a full proposal.
5. The appraisal Committee will review and select the best proposal to evaluate.
6. A database of International NGOs engage in promotion of AYUSH would be prepared by the Department with the help of Indian Embassies / Missions.
7. A database of consultants for preparing market development reports for promotion of exports would be prepared by the Department with the help of Indian Embassies/ Missions Dept. of Commerce / Chemical and Petrochemical Pharmex Cil/ AYUSH Companies having significant exports.
Application format for Incentive to drug manufacturers, entrepreneurs, AYUSH institutions etc. for international propagation of AYUSH and registration of their products by USFDA/EMEA/UK-MHRA for exports is given at Annexure-I. Application format for Promotion of Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Unani, and Yoga abroad through young Postgraduates is given at Annexure-III and for other components of IC is given at Annexure-II
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