Finding the right credit card as a student with little to no credit history is very important as it sets the pace of your financial growth and freedom in the coming years. We have put up a list of the best college student credit cards to assist you in budgeting your money and establishing a solid credit history. These cards provide cheap fees, perks, and the chance to build positive credit habits—all necessary for a prosperous financial future. Come along as we examine the best credit card choices that are especially suited for students.
7 Best College Students Credit Cards For Students With Little To No Credit
Young adults might use student credit cards as a stepping stone to create and expand their credit history. For several financial milestones, such as renting an apartment, purchasing a car, or getting a mortgage later in life, a clean credit history is necessary. Moreover, prudent credit card use can impart important budgeting and money management skills.
Find the best credit cards for college students that will help you on your way to a prosperous financial future by providing incentives, minimal costs, and the opportunity to build good credit habits.
Capital One SavorOne Student Cash Rewards Credit Card
If you want to establish credit while in college, you should think about getting a student credit card. If you want to get cash back on your purchases, the Capital One SavorOne Student credit card* is a great choice.
More Benefits:
- Earn unlimited 3% cash back on dining, entertainment, popular streaming services, and at grocery stores, plus 1% on all other purchases.
- Earn a one-time $50 cash bonus once you spend $100 on purchases within 3 months from account opening
- Whether you’re at a 4-year university, community college, or other higher education institution, this card might be an option for you.
Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card for Students
If you want to earn points toward travel on every transaction you make, the Bank of America Travel Rewards for Students is a great option. With greater spending criteria than other student travel cards but a richer payout, the introductory bonus is a pretty good deal.
More Benefits:
- Earn unlimited 1.5 points for every $1 you spend on all purchases everywhere, every time, and no expiration on points
- 25,000 online bonus points if you make at least $1,000 in purchases in the first 90 days of your account opening
- Easily manage your bank accounts and finances online with Online Banking and our award-winning Mobile Banking app that helps students stay in control of their finances and make payments
Capital One Quicksilver Student Cash Rewards Credit Card
For students who lack the time or motivation to manage several bonus categories, the Capital One Quicksilver Student Cash Rewards Credit Card may be an excellent choice because it offers a sign-up bonus in addition to a strong recurring rewards rate.
More Benefits:
- Earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, every day.
- Earn a one-time $50 cash bonus once you spend $100 on purchases within 3 months from account opening
- Earn 10% cashback on Uber and Uber Eats
Discover it® Student Cash Back
The purpose of Discover Student credit cards is to allow you to accumulate credit history and receive cash-back incentives on your purchases. A substantial cash back return is available on alternating bonus spending categories with the Discover it® Student Cash Back card.
More Benefits:
- Earn 5% cash back on everyday purchases at different places each quarter
- Get an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match of all the cash back you earn at the end of your first year, automatically.
- Redeem your rewards for cash at any time.
- First-year cash-back match
Petal® 2 “Cash Back, No Fees” Visa® Credit Card
If you’re just getting started with credit, the Petal® 2 “Cash Back, No Fees” Visa® Credit Card is a fantastic option. You’ll receive openness and simplicity in the form of a possible greater credit limit than you’ll find elsewhere in its category, no fees, no deposit requirements, and a respectable travel companion.
More Benefits:
- No annual membership fee, late fee, or returned payment fee.
- 1% cash back on eligible purchases right away and up to 1.5% cash back on eligible purchases after making 12 on-time monthly payments; 2% to 10% cash back at select merchants
Bank of America® Unlimited Cash Rewards credit card for Students
The Bank of America® Unlimited Cash Rewards Credit Card for Students is a great option for students seeking an easy, affordable method to finance purchases, earn rewards, and establish credit because of its strong introductory APR offer and good rewards rate.
More Benefits:
- Earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases
- Online $200 cash rewards bonus after making at least $1,000 in purchases in the first 90 days of your account opening
- Enjoy no annual fee while earning unlimited cash back on all purchases
Discover it® Student Chrome
With its easy-to-understand benefits, the Discover it® Student Chrome card is a great option for students. Up to $1,000 in combined quarterly purchases at petrol stations and restaurants earn 2% cash back, while all other transactions earn 1%. Although the cash-back rate is reduced, the spending categories remain the same for the entire year.
More Benefits:
- At the end of your first year, you’ll immediately be eligible for an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match of all the cash back you earn.
- You can always exchange your prizes for cash.
The Final Takeaway
The best college student credit cards give young adults the chance to learn sound financial management techniques and establish a solid credit history in addition to serving as a useful financial tool. These cards can open doors to a better financial future and present prospects for years to come when utilized sensibly and carefully. Thus, if you’re a student trying to get financial control, look into your possibilities and get off to a good financial start.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it a good idea for a college student to have a credit card?
For college students who work or have some other source of income, obtaining a student credit card might be quite advantageous. It can give pupils a head start on establishing credit and teach them how to handle credit properly. However, it’s crucial to understand how to handle a student credit card sensibly.
What is a student credit card?
You don’t require collateral or a security deposit because they’re unsecured. Student credit cards are distinct from regular credit cards in that they have different qualifying standards. Applicants without a credit history are eligible for student credit cards, which are specifically intended for college students.
What is the Discover Student card’s maximum amount?
All Discover It Student cards come with a minimum $500 credit limit as standard. If you’ve been making on-time payments, Discover will examine your account regularly and can give you a credit limit boost.Â
What is Bank of America’s maximum credit limit?
With a claimed maximum limit of $95,000, the Bank of America® Customized Cash Rewards credit card is the one that offers the largest credit limit among Bank of America cards.